Who am I in the Lord?

My passion

Honestly, my heart is for people. Everywhere I go, everywhere I look, I see someone for whom Jesus died. I love people. I want to see people come to Jesus. I want to see people live the abundant life Jesus came to give us. I have suffered in many similar ways people in the world are suffering now. Depression, anxiety, self-loathing, loneliness, and the list goes on AND Jesus has delivered me from it ALL! He is my everything! My passion in working for God is helping people in any way I can. Opening a door, telling a joke to make someone smile, encouraging people, preaching a word God gave me, whatever I can do to help in the kingdom of God, that’s my passion.

my goals

I have a podcast I would like to see grow. “God’s Promises” is the name of it. I trust God’s timing with it. Everyone says you have to be consistent and put content out at certain times and all that, but I just wait on God. There is enough fluff out there. If I just wanted to put out content, I could do that, easily. However, that is NOT what I want. I want to help somebody. I want God to use me to speak life. I want to continue preaching the word in different places. My ultimate goal is to stay in the Will of the Lord. I’m not set on any one thing or path or anything like that. Whatever God wants for me, that is what I want for myself. Nothing more and nothing less. 

My Vision

My vision is every member of God’s body come together to function as a whole, as One with Jesus and the Father, and the lost are saved! I see the division in the body of Christ rectified and His glorious body unified. Every member of His body is vital, every function important. The enemy has deceived us all, in that we do not appreciate the diversity in each other. The judgement of one another HAS to stop. God wants to do a new thing for His people, but we have to do a new thing, too. Like my sister in Christ and close friend (Stephanie Morehead) said once in a testimony service, “If what you’re doing isn’t working, then change your tactics.” In essence, do something different, and let’s get a little crazy and let it be something new, as well! My vision? I see Jesus “coming in the clouds of Heaven with power and great glory.” (Mat 24:30)

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